eWear Conference @Stanford

E-Wear Confernce @ StanfordZhenan Bao (Chemical Engineering) – Self Healing Stretchable Artificial SkinA world beyond smartphones:  Back in the time we had desktops, then smartphones came alone, and now is the era of smart clothing and peripherals (i.e., smart watches and smart glasses) and then is going to be era of Derma sensors on the skin,… Continue Reading eWear Conference @Stanford

Emotion Regulation Model for Self-Control

This video is a joint talk by Professor Gross and Professor Duckworth on the topic of self-control, in particular self-control of emotions (i.e., emotion regulation). Here are a few great research questions presented at the end of this talk   To what extend situational strategies in James Gross’s  process model of emotion regulation ( i.e., situation… Continue Reading Emotion Regulation Model for Self-Control

Future Affective Technology for Autism and Emotion Communication

Author: Rosalind W. Picard Year: 2009 Link: http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/364/1535/3575.short Theme of the paper: The importance of improvements of affective communication for autistic population to help them communicate their emotions. Important ultimate goal for autism:  development of tools that help autistic people learn how to better understand and regulate their own ANS activation without having to share their internal… Continue Reading Future Affective Technology for Autism and Emotion Communication