eWear Conference @Stanford

E-Wear Confernce @ StanfordZhenan Bao (Chemical Engineering) – Self Healing Stretchable Artificial SkinA world beyond smartphones:  Back in the time we had desktops, then smartphones came alone, and now is the era of smart clothing and peripherals (i.e., smart watches and smart glasses) and then is going to be era of Derma sensors on the skin,… Continue Reading eWear Conference @Stanford

HCI seminar @Stanford -Jonathan Scratch from USC

Jonathan Scratch from USC He started the talk by an example of an emotionally intelligent machine that is used for  therapy  of PTST patients. The machine is in form of human avatar with human voice and facial expressions while speaking.  The machine  does facial expression recognition, semantic analysis of what the patient says, detects affect… Continue Reading HCI seminar @Stanford -Jonathan Scratch from USC

Emotion Regulation Model for Self-Control

This video is a joint talk by Professor Gross and Professor Duckworth on the topic of self-control, in particular self-control of emotions (i.e., emotion regulation). Here are a few great research questions presented at the end of this talk   To what extend situational strategies in James Gross’s  process model of emotion regulation ( i.e., situation… Continue Reading Emotion Regulation Model for Self-Control

Future Affective Technology for Autism and Emotion Communication

Author: Rosalind W. Picard Year: 2009 Link: http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/364/1535/3575.short Theme of the paper: The importance of improvements of affective communication for autistic population to help them communicate their emotions. Important ultimate goal for autism:  development of tools that help autistic people learn how to better understand and regulate their own ANS activation without having to share their internal… Continue Reading Future Affective Technology for Autism and Emotion Communication

How to Prepare for Advancement

These are my notes based on Scott Klemmer’s informative post on advancement: Plan your advancement date 2 months in advance, as you need to have the entire committee be present. Scheduling into an existing group meeting is ideal. Spend time with other faculties in your committee. Your Title title must be broadest accurate description of your… Continue Reading How to Prepare for Advancement

Grad Cohort 16 Review

I attended Grad Cohort 2016 with three goals in mind: finding an internship position aligned with my research interests for summer, connecting with PhD students in HCI (Human Computer Interaction) and understanding their experience and the path they are following, making the most of the workshops geared toward the third year PhD students as the audience. To fulfill… Continue Reading Grad Cohort 16 Review

Content Analysis Project using LDA topic modeling

Content Analysis Project using LDA topic modeling LDA on 16 interview of both first and last year UCSC first generation students This post is about the Qualitative Data Analysis class that I took at the department of education, UC Santa Cruz. The project objective was to develop two sets of interview protocols for first generation… Continue Reading Content Analysis Project using LDA topic modeling